Wednesday, July 31, 2019

A clean cut differentiation between the two is one explained by Robert Cialdini

In a world where its inhabitants have diverse beliefs and point of views, it is usually difficult to influence others to change their perspectives; hence, man resorts to persuasion or manipulation to achieve this end. Persuasion and manipulation are two different concepts that are more or less synonymous, but it is in their little differences that we are able to know better these two terminologies.It is said that â€Å"manipulation aims at control; not cooperation. It always results in a lose-lose situation. Persuasion, on the other hand, always builds the self-esteem of the other party. It treats the other person as a responsible and self-directing individual (Swets, 2006).† Thus, control is the basis of manipulation, while cooperation is that of persuasion.Manipulation, in order to be done, is complemented with the use of coercion and deceit just to influence a person to do something. On the other hand, persuasion tries to influence people up to the extent necessary, but not crossing into the unethical aspects of influencing people. It tries to get people to agree to certain things on their own decision.A clean cut differentiation between the two is one explained by Robert Cialdini (2005), a psychologist. He said that manipulation involves the unethical use of the principles of persuasion and some of those involve brute force or coercion to achieve a goal.Persuasion involves the use of principles that exist in the situation and that allow us to inform people into yes, to educate them into yes, by giving them a view of reality as we see it. It involves moving them in a direction that we desire, on the basis of valid information.Thus, it is suggested that persuasion must be resorted always rather than manipulation because the latter tends to lean on the negative side. Persuasion is a civilized way of influencing people.References:Swets, P. (2006), ‘The Art of Talking So That People Will Listen’ in Burg, B. (2006). Persuasion†¦or Manipul ation: Are They Different Things? [webpage] accessed: 4 April 2007.Cialdini, R, (2005), The Psychology of Persuasion [webpage] accessed: 4 April 2007

Tuesday, July 30, 2019

House on Mango Street: Four Skinny Trees

The Trees of Hope and Courage In The House on Mango Street, the author Sandra Cisneros takes you into a completely different world through the eyes of a young, insecure Esperanza growing up in a poor section of Chicago. A vignette that especially stood out was â€Å"Four Skinny Trees†. In this vignette Esperanza is describing four skinny trees that are overlooked and underappreciated. Cisneros uses powerful personification techniques that not only create vivid images but trigger intense reactions. Her words trigger despair and hope, fear and courage, strength and weakness. Esperanza is connected to these trees on an emotional level because what she is imagining in these trees is what she sees in herself. The trees served as emotional guides teaching Esperanza to have confidence. Cisneros projects Esperanza’s emotions onto these four skinny trees though powerful personification techniques. Esperanza sees a distinct parallel between her life and the trees. Esperanza feels as if, â€Å"They are the only ones who understand me. I am the only one who understands them† (74). Esperanza sees herself in these trees, â€Å"†¦with skinny necks and pointy elbows like mine† (74). She sees these scrawny trees trapped in the concrete of Mango Street and can relate because she too is stuck in the concrete of Mango Street. Esperanza sees a parallel between her and the trees and imagines these trees with souls and emotions that reflect her own. She perceives the trees as full of anger, â€Å"They grow up and they grow down and grab the earth between their hairy toes and bite the sky with violent teeth and never quite their anger† (74). It is apparent that these trees aren’t really angry but that Esperanza is embedding her hidden rage into these trees. Cisneros vivid personification makes the trees strong symbols of Esperanza’s emotions, her anger, fear, inconsequence and also her hope, courage and importance. These trees are misplaced and misunderstood but yet they keep on growing, keep on fighting. They continue to exist, not giving up, â€Å"Four who grew despite concrete† (75). The four scrawny, angry trees symbolize both hope and courage. To Esperanza these trees symbolize an emotional guide, they teach her she can trade despair for hope and fear for courage. The trees are teachers. The trees could very well surrender, â€Å"†¦ they’d all droop like tulips in a glass, each with arms around the other† (75). But they don’t they keep on growing despite that they do not belong. Esperanza takes courage from the trees to never give up. Esperanza has learned from these trees how to achieve a peace with who she is. These four skinny trees that were probably planted by some city worker on a concrete slab are objects in which Esperanza has brought to life with her own emotions. Because they too are misplaced like Esperanza but yet they continue to be and keep growing, they do not give up. They have taught her not to surrender to who she is but to accept it and keep growing. One day Esperanza will leave Mango Street but instead of living with despair waiting to escape she is living with hope for the future and the courage to be strong throughout the process.

Donne’s Poetry Essay

This essay will look at the form, structure and content of â€Å"The Relic† in an attempt to offer an explanation as to what the poem is about. It will examine the metaphysical poets, and discuss the techniques employed by them to express their views. â€Å"The Relic† consists of three 11-line stanzas which incorporate tetrameter (four metrical feet), pentameter (five metrical feet) and two tri-meter (three metrical feet) lines per stanza. It is written mainly in iambic pentameter and has a rhyming pattern of aabbcddceee. This gives the poem a songlike quality which is associated with this type of lyric poetry. Each stanza is made up of a single sentence which, with the help of the meter, forces the first four lines of each verse to be read rapidly. The caesura then slows down the reading, causing the reader to reflect more deeply on what has been said. In the first line of â€Å"The Relic†, Donne uses images allied with death. This makes it easy for the reader to mistake the theme of the poem as being about dying. By using the personal pronoun ‘my’ (l. 1) placed alongside the noun ‘grave’ (l. 1) it is suggested that it is Donne’s own grave which is being made reference to, thus reinforcing the impression of a mournful poem. However, when Donne goes on to describe the exhumation of his and his lover’s corpses, after they have rotted away, the poem changes from embodying death to celebrating love. The reader becomes aware that although he is dead, death is not the true significance here. The move from death to love is introduced with: ‘A bracelet of bright hair about the bone,’ (l. 6). This line could be interpreted as a wedding ring joining the couple together; adding to the intensity of their love. However, this is explained in ‘The Funeral’ (p 309) as ‘a lock of hair tied about his arm’ (p 309). This explanation could detract from the power of the line. The line seems to have more potency without this knowledge, adding an extra dimension to the poem, so allowing the reader to draw their own conclusions about the relationship between the couple. The juxtaposition of a grave with a pair of lovers is a powerful, paradoxical metaphor that is shocking to the reader. This pairing would not automatically be seen as romantic but Donne succeeds in conveying this impression. By indicating that the gravedigger would ‘think that there a loving couple lies,’ (l. 8) after noticing the ‘bracelet of bright hair about the bone,’ (l.6), Donne successfully communicates that ‘The Relic’ is a poem about eternal love; love has survived beyond death. This collocation of opposing elements is a technique often employed by the metaphysical poets to express their thoughts and feelings. The metaphysical poets were influenced by Neo-Platonism ; a system of philosophical and theological doctrines . However, this highly abstract and over theoretical approach to poetry can make it less accessible; alienating a vast selection of readers. Poetry should not only be about intellectual superiority which, it could be argued, is often associated with the metaphysical poets. This appeared to be the view of Samuel Johnson, who was the first to label this generation of authors ‘The Metaphysical Poets’: The most heterogeneous ideas are yoked by violence together: nature and art are ransacked for illustrations, comparisons, and allusions; their learning instructs, and their subtilty surprises; but the reader commonly thinks his improvement dearly bought, and, though he sometimes admires, is seldom pleased. T. S. Eliot, whilst admitting the difficulty in defining metaphysical poetry, opposed Johnson’s view. When considering ‘Donne’s most successful and characteristic effects †¦ ’ he used sections of the line ‘A bracelet of bright hair about the bone,’ (l. 6) to illustrate his approval of their methods: †¦ the most powerful effect is produced by the sudden contrast of associations of ‘bright hair’ and ‘bone’. This telescoping of images and multiplied associations [†¦ ] is one of the sources of the vitality of their language. (p 1099) If we look again at line 8 of â€Å"The Relic†, it is noticeable that the gravedigger would only ‘think that there a loving couple lies,’ (l. 8). It would be logical to assume that a husband would be buried with his wife, so the use of ‘think’ (l. 8) is puzzling. By following this with the apparently polysemous ‘lies,’ (l. 8) the poem could be read differently, altering the entire meaning to suggest that their love was only a fantasy. Another characteristic of metaphysical poetry is its tendency to use religious imagery to express its views. Towards the end of the first stanza, â€Å"The Relic† introduces the concept of ‘their souls, at the last busy day,’ (l. 10). This has been interpreted as a veiled reference to  judgement day and leads the reader smoothly into the second stanza where the images of death are replaced with a high lexical density of religious vocabulary. Donne uses lexis such as ‘mis-devotion’ and ‘doth command’ (l. 13); ‘Bishop’ (l. 15); ‘relics’ (l. 16); ‘Mary Magdalen’ (l. 17); and ‘miracles’ (ll. 20-22) in order to extend the religious metaphor, introduced at the end of the first stanza, to evoke powerful images in the mind of the reader. Donne raises the question, in line 17, of who the ‘I’ really is here? It has been suggested, all through time, that Mary Magdalene was the wife of Jesus and perhaps even bore him a child. This idea of Mary Magdalene’s companion perhaps being Christ seems to be a concept that the metaphysical poets would enjoy debating; so adding a cerebral quality to their work. The line ‘All women shall adore us, and some men;’ (l. 19) juxtaposed with the repetition of ‘miracles’ (ll. 20-22) adds credence to the idea that Christ is lying beside Mary Magdalene, especially when the reader takes into account the reference to ‘harmless lovers’ (l. 22). The fact, that this couple ‘wrought’ (l. 22); which means moulded or formed; ‘miracles’ (l. 22) suggests that the ‘I’ (l.17) could be a reference to Jesus. The suggestion that when the couple are finally dug up they will be presented to ‘the Bishop and the King,’ (l. 15) further strengthens this connection with Christ. A Bishop (who is a senior member of Christian clergy) is thought to be a successor of the twelve Apostles of Christ by some churches, and a King is the ruler of a kingdom. Only the most important of people would be afforded the privilege of an audience before either of these men. In the first stanza it is automatically assumed that Donne is the man lying in his grave. This is simply because he is the author of the poem and he uses the possessive pronoun ‘my’ (l. 1) in the first line. This poses the question, if he was referring to Jesus, was Donne likening himself to Christ? The reader is left to wonder. There is a shift in focus from the overtly religious second stanza to a more reflective account of the couples love in the final stanza. It is implied, in the first line, that the relationship was not as perfect as previously indicated. The use of the adverb ‘First,’ (l. 23) placed before ‘we loved well and faithfully,’ (l. 23) could indicate that at a later date the couple did not love each other quite as honestly as they had once done. This is followed with what could be considered as a lament from someone who has lost their lover. The use of the past tense, with the verb ‘knew’ (l. 25) rather than ‘know’ seems to signify an ending to the relationship which has occurred whilst the couple were still alive. This is reinforced with the line: ‘nature, injured by late law, sets free: / These miracles we did;’ (ll. 30-31). Therefore the injuries caused by human law are more important than the ‘miracles’ (l. 31) of their love, which are insignificant as they are set ‘free’ (l. 31) or cast aside. This indicates their love was not strong enough to conquer the laws of their time. This could also be a further reference to Christ and Mary Magdalene as, had they had a relationship, they could both have been forced to forego their love for Christianity; an idea that Donne would perhaps want to offer up for consideration. In the final lines, if we take ‘measure’ (l. 32) to mean prosody (the study of poetic meter) and language to mean the lexis being used, the vocabulary seems to be reflective of the poem itself. These lines appear to say he feels he should communicate the information to others but is unsure whether he should tell others of the ‘miracle’ (l. 33) he feels the woman besides him was. As the poem is already doing this, it is playing a game with the reader. In conclusion, Donne uses specific poetic techniques in an effective and striking way. However, the reader often gets lost in trying to define exactly what he is trying to say. It could be argued that the power of poetry should lie in its subjectivity; each reader being able to take away what they want from the reading. After all, in the words of Cleanth Brooks : There is no ideal reader, of course, and I suppose that the practising critic can never be too often reminded of the gap between his reading and the â€Å"true† reading of the poem. (p. 1368) Bibliography Brooks, C. (1951) The Formalist Critics, The Norton Anthology Theory And Criticism, ed. Vincent B. Leitch, General Editor, (New York: W. W. Norton & Company, Inc, 2001). Collins, W. (2005) Collins English Dictionary, Suffolk: HarperCollins Publishers Ltd. Conner, M. Dr. http://www. eng. fju. html [accessed February 2008]. Eliot, T. S. (1921) The Metaphysical Poets, The Norton Anthology Theory And Criticism, ed. Vincent B. Leitch, General Editor, (New York: W. W. Norton & Company, Inc, 2001). Johnson, S. (1783) From Lives of the English Poet, The Norton Anthology Theory And Criticism, ed. Vincent B. Leitch, General Editor, (New York: W. W. Norton & Company, Inc, 2001). Princeton University. (2008) http://www. thefreedictionary. com/neoplatonism, (USA: Farlex, Inc) [ accessed February 2008].

Monday, July 29, 2019

Case project analysis Assignment Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2500 words - 1

Case project analysis - Assignment Example There were used two different project delivery methods: design -build system for Springfield Interchange Improvement Project (SIIP) and design-bid-build system for the Guri Dam Project. For both projects there were used scope statements as tools of project planning process. However, the extent of the project scope statements varied substantially and depended on the number of details and relevant elements related to the project. Implementation stage of both projects was controlled and monitored. However, in contrast to SIIP project, the Guri Dam project was closely monitored by the Edelca Company. For the Guri Dam project there were introduced severe economical penalties for breach of the project/contract terms. Based on the review and analysis of the project management practices, applied in the SIIP and the Guri Dam projects, it is possible to state that the Guri Dam Project performed better than the SIIP project across all four practices: project selection, project delivery system, project planning, and project control. Springfield Interchange Improvement Project is a case study of one of the transportation megaprojects. It is a project of the interchange reconstruction, situated in fifteen miles south of Washington, D.C. on the intersection of the Capital Beltway and Highways 1-95 and 1-395. The project was mainly initiated because of the safety risks and danger imposed to all road users, especially motorists (Kwak et al., 2002). Reconstruction of this Interchange had vital importance to a variety of stakeholders, including: local entrepreneurs and businessmen, commercial carriers, and local residents. The Virginia Department of Transportation (VDOT) began project management work on this project. The project has been divided into 8 key stages. While the general scope of the project was defined in a right way, there were some obvious problems with cost estimate calculation of the project. Thus, for example, the cost estimate was $US 220

Sunday, July 28, 2019

Christology and Ecclesiology Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words

Christology and Ecclesiology - Essay Example They set forth two reasons for the divinity of Christ, the first one being "dynamic monarchianism" which explains the divinity of Jesus resulting from him being the carrier of a divine power, which "descended upon the man Jesus."(Grenz pg 57) The complete divinity of Christ thought was established at the First Ecumenical Council at Nicea1 in 325, based on Arius' view that Jesus was "begotten of the Father, of the substance of the Father, begotten not made, of one substance with the Father." (Grenz pg 59) Christology is the reaffirmation of our belief and confession in the godliness of Jesus, who is the road to our salvation. The authors of the new Testament strongly believed that Jesus combines in his person the role of God and Savior (2 Pet.1:1, pg 246) Jesus' divinity is attributed to his perfect life or what may be called his "sinlessness" (pg. 252) which was only possible because in Jesus could be seen "a veritable existence of God" (pg. 252) the resurrection of Jesus Christ, which is at the heart of Christian faith, points to the divinity of Jesus. (pg. 259) the historical life of Jesus reveals his humanity, and he becomes not just an "embodiment of God," but of his willingness to be a part of the 'life in community" which he participated in his life on Earth. (pg. 272) According to Stanley Grenz (1994) "The idea of covenant... Baptists, the covenant that joins believers together in the church of Jesus Christ is sealed in believer's baptism." However, during the period of the 1100s and 1200s, theology took on different perspectives. For example, theology did not just mean a discourse related to God, "it now became the rational explication of divine revelation."3 (Yves M.J. Conjar, 1968) The salient points highlighted in Stanley Grenz' book titled "Theology for the Community of God" are traditional themes incorporated in the Christian doctrine related to God, humankind, Christ, Church and the Holy Spirit. Grenz' work is a masterful blend of the traditional, contemporary and the historical to provide us with a coherent outlook involving our Christian faith through the establishment of community with God as its Father. In referring to God as the High Priest of the Church and all of us are his children, he describes a women's place within the community; Grenz expresses his views stating "that women ought to be full participants with men in all dimensions of church life and ministry" (Grenz, 1995, p. 143). Conclusion Grenz' views on Christ as the High Priest of the Church and the faith of the Christian community as a whole in relation to it, has come in for a lot of criticisms from other theologians, especially his notion that women too can be equal participants in both church life as well as ministry. Many theologians criticized him on these grounds and never accepted his views on this. Grenz' view of God's image in relation to God and man is taken to be a serious misrepresentation and is said to be misleading. Grenz is supposed to have charged 'complimentarians with the violation of 'ecclesiological principle of the priesthood of all believers.'4 (J. Grenz with Denise Muir Kjesbo, 1995)

Saturday, July 27, 2019

Aspects of rural nursing and staff retention Essay

Aspects of rural nursing and staff retention - Essay Example While rural is synonymous with poverty in developing countries, it need not be so in the case of developed countries though disadvantages of being rural are universal throughout the world in respect of inaccessibility of health services in rural areas and shortage of rural nurses. Scharff (1998, p 21) says that†Ã¢â‚¬ ¦.being rural means being a long way from anywhere and pretty close to no where†. It is a universal phenomenon that nurses are in short supply regardless of being a developed or a developing country. Nurses are difficult to be retained even in urban areas. As such, nurses and nursing services in rural areas are even more problematic. In the first place, nursing is an occupation of sacrifice in that the nurses have to take care of the patients who must be made to feel at home while they are in the hospital. Nurses are therefore expected to be compassionate and loving their fellow human beings while in distress and this should come from a person naturally who c an be called a prospective nurse. Recruitment of nurses right from their nursing education need to be carefully planned by selecting the right candidates for the profession so that they do not find themselves misfit in the mid-path of their career. Assuming that all the nurses are rightly recruited and only the nurses of right aptitude are serving in the profession, there are still problems in their recruitment and retention attributable to the rurality of the areas of their service and inadequate policies of a country’s Government. And these are the aspects that this research aims to go into with reference to the position obtaining in the U.K. Preliminary search in the literature shows that the there are no dedicated studies available pertaining to the U.K’s rural nursing and retention. The available ones deal with the broad category of rural health aspects wherein the nurses are mentioned along side the General practitioners, Pharmacists and allied

Friday, July 26, 2019

Condense and rewrite Part IV (Four of Hume's Dialogues Concerning Essay

Condense and rewrite Part IV (Four of Hume's Dialogues Concerning Natural Religion as a conversation carried on in contemporary - Essay Example This is because the Deity can never match the ideas people have of him. As a result, those that have various opinions about the Deity are prone to facing grievous consequences. On the other hand, there are individuals that believe that the human mind is wide and diverse. However, most people ignore that and assign their abilities to another, which is the Deity. Therefore, the mind is an extension of the soul, which is made up of various attributes. Eventually, it makes people different in various ways due to the arrangement of the mind. This is the kind of conversation that takes place between Cleanthes, Philo and Demea as each takes a different stand. In summary, the conversation between Cleanthes, Philo and Demea depicts religious philosophies due to the different opinions they have about the Deity or God. Cleanthes: It is alarming to know that Demea does not believe the Deity looks like humanity. This is because she is religious and has been sincere to its cause. Truly, this Deity has super- powers and other aspects that cannot be compared to human beings. Consequently, the thoughts and notions human beings have about the Deity cannot be correct. This is because they cannot completely compare to the real nature of the deity. The Atheists believe that the beginning to everything is unintelligible and unknown. These religious have rejected the mind and its productions. As a result, they assign intelligible causes to the Deity or God. The people that explain about the simplicity of the Supreme Being are Mystical. Therefore, these people should be faced with consequences that are drawn from their ideas. This could mean that they have become Atheist without their knowledge. Moreover, the Supreme Being cannot be fully comprehended. As a result, the compliments or attributes given to Him are not a total match to the true Him. In my opinion, a mind without love, opinion, ideas, affections or sentiments cannot then be considered a mind. Demea: I am shocked at the fact that Cleanthes can reject my antagonists by giving those nicknames. What is more surprising is that Cleanthes is philosophical, but does not buy the ideology. Has he gotten to declamation instead of being reasonable? He seems not to understand that such a topic can be retorted easily. According to Cleanthes, human understanding and the mind is similar to that of the Deity. However, the soul of man is comprised of various faculties. These are the ideas, passion and sentiments. All these aspects are united into an individual to create the self. However, every individual is different from the other. This is because the ideas are placed in a different order as a person reasons. This means that the mind gives way to another arrangement. The Theists say that the Deity says the past, present and future. They also add that he is justice and mercy, love and hatred. Additionally, the Deity is fixed in a state considered perfect. Philo: I urge you Cleanthes to consider the argument you create. You could be the only Theist that is of a sound mind in the whole world. Eventually, you will be free to find yourself. However, if Atheists become idolaters then there will be nothing left of humanity. On the other hand, authorities and names swa y Cleanthes. This means that I need to be careful with the terms I use. The mind is divine and hence has unique ideologies, but arranged in different order. I tell you Cleanthes that those who thought of bread as a form of nourishment show their ignorance. In the same way, these philosophers came up with ideas on the Supreme Being. According to them, the mind became the reference to assign to the Deity. As a result, it is just another channel to highlight ignorance. It is also

Thursday, July 25, 2019

Offshore Wind Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

Offshore Wind - Essay Example The article also notes from experience that the installation of offshore wind stations has not been received that well and is witnessing a low takeoff. Nevertheless, the installation has seen remarkable improvements over the last few years with at least 3.5 GW of offshore winds being in line, over 2GW is already in development, and more than 100GW currently at different development stages. Nevertheless, most constructions are concentrated in North Europe especially in the UK, Germany, Sweden, Denmark, and Belgium.The article also shows that projects of offshore winds have increased in scale over the last decade, and the trend continues. The increase is mainly projected to be witnessed in UK, which will see hundreds of high voltage wind turbines being constructed. This will require numerous highly specialized installation vessels as well as port facilities to manage the increasing dimension of wind turbines, balance of plants and support structures. Wright notes that the major challen ge pertains to financial requirements as the UK round 3 Zones are projected to require over â‚ ¬90 billion, which would necessitate new financing models and the support of the public at all levels. Nevertheless, private investors have aired their worries regarding the high risk associated with construction, financial incentives, long-term stability, and issues related to turbine reliability.The article also reveals that the supply chain progress has been inspired in the recent past with increasing separation between onshore and offshore wind sectors.

Discuss the situation in criminal law in England when both the Research Paper

Discuss the situation in criminal law in England when both the prosecution and the defendant in the same case cause a delay - Research Paper Example The case brought to the limelight the prevalent child abuse that has recently domineered Britain. The former abattoir worker and lifeguard, according to previous evidence, had murdered, obscured, and disposed the body of the child to ensure that any search by the police will be futile. As the case was proceeding, the prosecution found fresh evidence2. Fragments of bones confirmed to be April’s remains were found in the man’s bath plughole and fireplace. Additionally, explicit images of child sex abuse were found in Mark’s laptop, a fact that prompted a fresh debate over a link between viewing of such images and sexual killings. The prosecution had also discovered, through detectives, several tapes in Mark’s DVD player, tapes that were dominated with murder and rape. April’s family wanted Mark’s cottage demolished while the prosecution wanted him to explain the source of the tapes and the bones. The prosecution believed that it could garner mo re evidence against Mark if given more time. The lead prosecutor also said that, â€Å"computer evidence points towards an individual who is evil, manipulative and has premeditated3.† The prosecution team, therefore, wanted more time to gather parts of the girl’s body. Mark wanted more time to defend the new evidence that had emerged. Upon examination of the reasons for discontinuation presented by both the defendant and the prosecutor, Mold crown court judges issued discontinuance. The defendants were indicted of murdering Hama Faraj Noori, 56, in his flat after executing the murder plan in a bar. The defendants claimed that they were not ready to defense themselves and the judge allowed them more time to establish a legal team. The defendants had realized that the prosecutor had garnered fresh evidence that would prove quite challenging to defend and wanted more time to assemble facts of the case and conduct some consultations with the relevant authorities4. Moreover, the prosecution wanted more

Wednesday, July 24, 2019

See Below Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

See Below - Essay Example Sample Population: 5 medical personnel;10 transcriptionists of different cultures with at least three years of experience in the job; 6 major patients in the hospitals who know that their record of health developments is actually noted through transcriptioning The implications of this purposed research will prove or disprove the theory that transcription errors effect the patients length of stay. This could give significant documentation that computer entery orders are essential for optimal care. The collected for this study will be presented through a chart review. If a patient has a length of stay (LOS) longer than the admitting diagnosis DRG allows then that chart will be reviewed. Looking for medical transcription errors. If a second diagnosis was found during the stay the DRG allowance of LOS will determine if that chart will need to be review. (IE if a patient is dx with pneumonia the LOS is 3 days and they are in for 10 days. The initial review is looking for a secondary diagnosis if none then a complete chart review would take place.) FLORENCE NIGHTINGALE'S theory on the level of satisfaction that the patients receive based from the service of the nurses and medical per

Tuesday, July 23, 2019

Research Business Concept Outline Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

Research Business Concept Outline - Essay Example Prospective vacation package bidders can view web sites of businesses included in each package, for selection of most appropriate packages. Online payment and reservations are simplified with this process, as dates for vacation packages are already determined and payment online is more secure today with encryption, just as other online stores. Fees for offering part of a tour or vacation package on Vacation Bay are similar to listing fees on eBay. Business will not invested more than a few dollars for each listing. Costs for running Vacation Bay include web hosting, programming, database management and marketing. Brochures and emails can be sent to all hotels, restaurants, historical sites, museums and tour operators. The largest costs for advertising come from search engine optimization activities. Online auctions are widely accepted in Australia, so there are no legal concerns. There are consumer to consumer auctions such as Oztion5 and business to consumer auctions such as Grays.6 Businesses are required to include a Goods and services tax in their package portions. â€Å"The GST is a 10 per cent tax on most goods and services. Businesses that are registered for the GST and that sell qualifying supplies include the GST component on their tax invoice.†7 An example of a vacation package in Queensland might include four nights at a B&B, two different restaurant dinners , two days of golf or art museum tours. Restaurants such as Fuse8 and Baguette9 already have websites with online reservations options. A restaurant such as Greeka,10 lacking an online reservations option, will benefit from exposure in offering a night or two at its restaurant as part of a package. Choice in packaging allows businesses to experiment with various images, by co-branding. Businesses are able to closely monitor success of different packages. The online

Monday, July 22, 2019

Bru Tripura Vision Essay Example for Free

Bru Tripura Vision Essay According to the legends one of the Tripuri prince was expatriated by the king, who along with his followers migrated to the Mayani Thalang area of Lushai hills and founded a state over there. He proclaim as king of the state and the descendant of the exiled Tripuri prince ruled over the state for generations. In due course of time there was no heir to succeed the throne, which lead to anarchy in the kingdom. Owing to some internal feud and vendetta four chief of the sub tribes, namely Twikluha, Yongsika, Paisika, Tuibruha and their entourage left their hearth and home and migrated through Chittagong to the state of Tripura centuries ago. These Reang chiefs could not climb up the Dombur hill peak for two consecutive times and succeeded in third times. Mahendra Manikya was at the throne of Tripura kingdom. After reaching to the capital, these chiefs tried to persuade the ministers and other bureaucrats to give them permission to meet the king and submit their memorandum but was not successful in doing so. By then they have exhausted whatever food and edible they had brought with them and suffered a lot. They were very sad and disheartened by this. They were determined to send the message of their arrival to the king anyhow. In order to send information to the king they broke the dam of the river Gumti where worship was going on at that time. This was a serious crime and all of them were brought before the king. The king ordered them capital punishment. Somehow this news came to Queen Gunoboti. The chiefs prayed in front of the queen who after persuading the king motivated to forgive these chiefs of their crime, who letter forgave them. Since then the Reangs became very obedient and loyal to the queen and throne of Tripura. It is said that the ueen Gunoboti fed these chiefs with her breast milk in a big pan of brass, which is still intact with Ktordofa, which was gifted by the queen. The queen gifted many other valuable things, which were carefully preserved by Reangs till date. Historical Population figures In 1971 the Riang were the second largest of the scheduled tribes in Tripura. There were 64,722 people counted in the Riang tribe in Tripura that year. In 1961 the Riang had numbered 56,597 and in 19 51 they had numbered 8,471. [1] According to the 2001 census, there were 165,103 Reang in Tripura. Meska and Molsoi groups The Reang clans are divided into two groups: 1. Meska, 2. Molsoi. The Meska Group The Meska group is divided into seven sub groups or dopha, these are as follows: 1. Meska :- Meskameans the lemon tree in in kau bru language. 2. Msa :- Msa means tiger in Kau bru. It is said that the fore-father of this dopha was brought up by a tigress in his child hood like the Romulus and Ramous of ancient Rome. 3. Chorkhi :- Chorkhi means Spinning wheel in Kau bru, it is said that one Reang chief was speaking obscene about his daughter-in-law, when his friends started spinning the spinning wheel to musk the obscene of the chiefs. So the descendant are named after the chorkhi. 4. Raikchaoh :- Rai means cane in Kaubru, kchaoh means red in Kaubru; it is said that the fore-father of this dofa used to wear cane made red colour armlet. 5. wairem :- wai means tie, rem means mix/hybrid in Reanglanguage. It is said that they are descendant of Reang man and Kuki woman. 6. Tauma yakcho :- Tauma means hen, yakcho means toeless; the toes of the fore-fathers of this dopha resembled to that of hen. 7. Tuimuiyaphaoh :- Tuimayaphaoh means tortoise in Reang dialect, the fore-father of this dopha were suffering from white patches like the tortoise chest. The Molsoi Group The Molsoi group is sub-divided into six groups, which are as follows: 1. Molsoi :- Molsoi is the derivative of msoi which means msoi in Kaubru. Their fore-fathers first settled in the deer dominated green valley. Since they were called in that name. 2. Apeto :- Apeto is a type of fish in Kaubru. The fore-fathers belly was big like the belly of Apet fish. 3. Nouhkham :- Nouh means house, kham means burnt in Kaubru; once the fore-father of this dophas house were burnt to ashes since then they were termed in this name. 4. Chongpreng :- Chongpreng is a type of musical instrument, it is said that the fore-father of this dopha used to survive by playing this musical instrument as they were suffering from gungri disease. 5. Yaohstam :- Yaohstam means ring of finger, it is said that the fore-father of this dopha used to used to wear ring and used to display proudly to others. This dopha has been in extinct at present. 6. Reang kachko :- Kachko means chief in Kokborok, the fore-father of this dopha were chiefs of Reang. Ktor Dopha In the above thirteen dophas or sub-groups of the Reangs there are 26 chiefs or heads, who are designated as Kotor Dopha. Kotor means head and dopha means clan or group. The chiefs are divided into two categories: * Rai, and * Kaskau. Rai and his subordinates chiefs * Rai :- Rai means Raja or chief of the sub group is bestowed as Rai. * Chapiya Khan :- Crown Rai. * Chapiya :- Crown Chapiya Khan. * Dor kalim :- He is the priest of Rai. * Doloi :- Helper of Rai. * Bandari :- Store keeper of Rai. * Kanda :- Servant and holder of umbrella of Rai. * Doya Hajari:- Drum player. * Muriya :- Trumpet player. * Dugria :- Helper in of priest. * Dauwa :- Arranger of puja, or worshiping. Siakrak :- distributor of prasad, that is the sacrificial animal meat. Kaskau and his sub ordinate chiefs * Kaskau :- The chief minister of the sub-group is bestowed as Kaskau. * Yaksung :- He is the assistant of chief minister. * Hajra :- Servant of Kaskau. * Kangreng :- Umbrella holder of Kaskau. * Kormo : Servant of Yaksung. * Khan Galim: Umbrella holder of Yaksung. * Khandol :- The collector of food and other required articles. P eople of Kotor Dopha are exempted from paying taxes to the king. Occupation, culture and custom The Reangs are primarily an agriculturist tribe. In the past they mostly used to practise the Huk or Jhum cultivation, like most other Tripuri tribes. But now shifted to modern agricultural practice. Most of the educated are employed in government job and many are occupying very high post in administration. Some have also started doing business also. Marriage system The Reang is an endogamous tribe and had very little contact with the Bengali or other sub-tribe of Tripuri. But since the beginning of nineteen century there has been some inter tribe marriages and inter-caste wedding among them. The marriage system is similar to other Tripuri tribe of Tripura. There is no dowry system but the bride-groom has to spend to father-in-laws house for two years before marriage is performed. There are two types of marriages;but nowadays the system to spend to father-in-laws house is no mandatory. Haloksai, and Haloksam. Parallel cousin marriage is prevalent but declining. Cross cousin marriage among the Reang is accidental. Child marriage is not allowed, widow marriage is permitted. Widows are prohibited to wear ornaments before one year is passed after the death of husbands. Widow and widower are forbidden to participate any entertaining and enjoying programme or activity or attending such activity within one year of death of their spouses. Remarriage of widow and widower are allowed after one year of death of the spouse. Monogamy is the present day practice of the society. Marriage is arranged through the matchmaker Andra, who goes to the prospective brides parent for negotiation. Then the brides party is invited to finalise the marriage in Kokswmgma, while pork, fowl, rice, rice beer are served. Marriage is settled to the satisfaction of both the party. The Okchai performs the wedding ceremony on the nuptial day fixed. The Reang widower is not permitted to get marry to an unmarried virgin girl. The Reang marriage bond is very strong and Reang men cannot divorce without the consent of wife. If any Reang is alleged for extramarital relationship and found to be true then they are dealt with strict punishment and heavy penalty is imposed upon. Dress and ornaments The traditional dress of the Reang is simple and plain like other Tripuri people. Traditionally the men wear a hand woven loin cloth and a piece of cloth as a wrapper for upper portion. The women wear a long cloth called Rnai, a wraparound; from the waist to down to the knees. A Rsa, covering the chest, and Rikatouh for covering the whole upper half of the body, wears the upper part of the body. These are woven by the Reang women, which are colourful and very beauty full. But nowadays the educated mass are wearing all the modern dresses like any other part of the world. The Reang women are very fond of personal decoration and take much care for the makeup and hair-do. They love like other Tripuri people, ornaments, flowers, and cosmetics. Silver ornaments especially the necklace of silver coins, the Rangbauk have a pride of place and status. Dance and music It is very much integral part of the Reangs daily life. No other Tripuri people are so fond of dance like them. As a result the Hojagiri folk dance of Riang sub tribe had attained achieved acclaim all over the world. Hozagiri Dance is the most famous dance of the reang community. While the theme of the dance remains almost to be the same as of other tribes, the dance form of the Reang community is quite different from others. The movement of hands or even the upper part of the body is somewhat restricted, whereas the movement beginning from their waist down to their feet creates a wonderful wave. Standing on an earthen pitcher with a bottle on the head and a lighted lamp on it, when the Reang belle dance twisting rhythmically the lower part of the body, the dance bewilders the onlookers. The Reangs also use the musical Instruments like Khamb, Flute made of bamboo and bamboo cymbal. The Reang women prefer to put on black Pachra and Rsa. Reang women put on coins ring, which generally covers their entire upper body. They also put on rings made of coin in their ears. They are fond of fragrant flowers as ornaments to metal things Customs Most of the disputed and differences are settled by the people of Kotor dofa, that is by the Rai and Kasko of respective sub tribe. It is done through the customary law of the Reangs. Whenever a disputes arise in the between the member of the community, a meeting is called by the Rai. All relevant arguments are heard and then justice is done according to the principle of natural justice. Whatever verdict or punishment is pronounced in the judgment it is implemented with firm hand and payments of penalty etc. re made then and there. Religious belief and practices Majority of the Reang in Tripura adhere to Vaishnav Hinduism. They claim Kshatriya status. A growing number of Christians, almost all of them Baptists, exists in both Tripura and Mizoram. In 1943, the Reang were subjected to forcible conversions during the rebellion by Ratanmani Noatia. During the end of 2 0th century, they were again subjected to religious violence in Mizoram by the Baptists. [3] Like other Tripuri people they also believe in many god and goddess. The centre figures are those of fourteen gods and goddess of Tripura. Their important festivals are same those of prevailing in Tripura. These are Ker, Gonga mwtai, Goria, Chitragupra, Hojagiri, Katangi puja, Lampra uathop. The religious observance are community in nature, and each family has to contribute his part of share of payment. It is called as Khain. All the religious festivals are arranged with the prior meeting of chiefs. In such meetings political, social, and religious matters of importance are discussed and decided by the majority of the meeting. The deities of the Reangs are similar those of other Tripuri people. These are: * Sibrai, the supreme deity or Mtai Ktor Tuima, the presiding deity of river, * Mainouhma, the goddess of paddy, * Khuluhma, the goddess of cotton, * Goroia, the god of wealth prosperity well being and war, * Kalaia, brother of Goria, * Sangrongma, the deity of mother earth, * Hathaikchuma, the goddess of hill, * Buraha, the god of jungle, * Thuhnairou, the god of death, * Bonirou, the god of evil spirit, * Nouhsuma, t he goddess of house holds. Worshipping of the deities The worship of different deities are similar to the main-stream Tripuri people. Aokchai, the priest performs all the ceremony along with his helper. The green bamboo pole is used as deity in most on the cases. Different types of life stock like fowl, pig, goat eggs, etc. are offered in the worship. The place of worship is selected out side of the houses. Where the offerings are dedicated in the names of the deities in front of the wathop, green bamboo pole, the symbol of god. But the Rangtouk and Nouhsuma puja is held inside the house only. Two earthen pots are filled with newly grown rice and at top of the pot some oval pebbles collected from huk specially. The pebbles are called the fortune stone. And the pots (Rongtuk) are decorated with the rice powder, vermilion, and garlands. One is named Mainouhgma, the other as Khuluhgma. Rituals on birth of a baby On the birth of baby many pujas are observed. These are Kebengma, Abu suma, Khongkhonok kama, Maitukma etc. for the welfare of the baby. The fowl, prawn, several leaves of trees are needed. When the child grows up special form of worship has to be performed. Bukhuksini the seven-gurdian deities of witches are pleased with sacrifice of a pig, four fowls, and other things beside. Ceremony on death The mortal remains are cremated. The obsequies is done in two stages: Broksakami and Kthuinaimo. Broksakami When a person dies his corpse is first bathed with the Chobtui that is alkali water or soap . After that he is dressed with new clean Rikatouh, head is dressed with another piece of rikatouh like the headgear. In case of woman rnai and rsa. Then a fowl is sacrificed in front of the feet of the corpse. Later on an earthen pot filled with mean and rice placed at the feat of the deceased and it is followed by dance rituals throughout the night. Rice bear is distributed to all the mourners excepting the family members of the deceased. The next morning the body is laid to rest on pyre and cremated usually near a stream. Kthoinaimo It is a ritual connected with the respectful and well wishing offering to the manes. Laotou or the soul deceased remains under the control of the Sisimangi, the son of Buraha , for a year and it is said that Sisimangi is the protector of the soul. On the day of the kathainaimi the widow of the deceased offers dried rice, meat, fish, fruits, and wine in the name of Laotau and Sisimangi, on the smangnouk , then taking the burnt bones or ashes go to the charainok. It is worshiped for over a period of one year or he next hangrai, when it is immersed in any river or in Gomati River at Dumbur,or Ganga, according to the ability of the family. In short the religious culture of the Reang is similar to that of other Tripuri or the Tripuras other cast Hindu . Posted by BRU at 04:37 Email ThisBlogThis! Share to TwitterShare to Facebook No comments: Post a Comment Newer Post Home Subscribe to: Post Comments (Atom) Followers Blog Archive * ? 2011 (20) * ; December (6) * ; November (12) * ? October (2) * HISTORICAL BACKGROUND OF TRIPURA * Demography of Reangs History About Me BRU View my complete profile | | Simple template. Powered by Blogger.

Sunday, July 21, 2019

Case study of Elextra-Quik

Case study of Elextra-Quik In Elextra-Quik, the manufacturing manager, Barbara was very happy about her job of problem-solving team leader and her team did a lot of efforts to contribute companys empowerment campaign. But when they were ready to implement the new ideas, they found not only the top manager Martin, but also the middle level managers resisted the ideas. Therefore, this case leads to questions-how a company change to be a learning organisation? What can Barbara do to continue her ideas in the company? In following part, this paper will answer these questions based on three questions. How might top management have done a better job changing Electra-Quik into a learning organisation? What might they do now to get the empowerment process back on the track? According to ECU study book (2011), learning organization is an organization in which everyone is engaged in identifying and solving problems. The characteristics of learning organization are creating shared vision, team-based structure, employee empowerment, share information, participative strategy, adaptive culture and so on. In order to build a learning organization, the whole levels of company staff need to contribute. Firstly, the top management plays the most important role for transfer organization into a learning organization. They need to do a better job on introducing the plans about changes carefully and deliberately. According to Samson Daft (2009) management is the attainment of organizational goals in an effective and efficient manger through planning, organizing, leading and controlling organizational resources. So the top management is the maker of companys strategy. They guide the direction of where should company go. When there is a change within organization, some problems can not be avoided, such as resistances from lower level staff. So top management does a good job on introducing change is necessary. They need to introduce the plan in detail to make staff and middle managers to better understand the plan. They can show the evaluation about the advantages and benefits of the change to employees. With that, the plan can be accepted by everyone in the company. In Electra-Quik, Mart in needs to keep enthusiastic all the time and support Barbaras ideas in order to make Barbaras plan can be accepted in the meeting. Secondly, in the process of building a learning organization, the middle level managers and employees also play an important role. Middle level managers are the links between top management and employees; they monitor the changes, collect the feedback of changes and report the effects of changes to the top. Employees conduct the changes and provide the feedback to tops. Generally speaking, in learning organizations, participative strategy emerges bottom up as well as top down. Top management shape the vision and direction, and middle managers and employees support and believe in. They are committed to the vision and contribute to the development of strategy (Samson Daft, 2009, p.59). In Electra-Quik, middle manager should evaluate Barbaras ideas even Martin is absent for meeting and transfer the ideas to their staffs. In order to get the empowerment process back on track, Martin needs to step first. He needs to understand Barbaras ideas again and do a personal appraisal. Then on the companys meeting, he should support Barbaras ideas and support her ideas when Barbara explaining the changes. Also he needs to consult with managers and empower employees to resolve the problem, as well as providing the training. With Martins efforts, the middle managers may change their ideas to support Barbara and conduct the changes in whole organization. Also, Martin can implement self-directed teams as the solution. Self-directed team refer to a multi-skilled cross-functional group of employees who share responsibilities for producing service of product (Rockfordconsulting, N, D). In Electra-Quik, Martin may set up some self-directed teams to conduct the empowerment process, and then they can share the responsibility to get the process back on track. Question 2: Can you think of ways Barbara Russell could have avoided the problems her team faced in the meeting with department heads? Middle management jobs have undergone dramatic changes over the last two decades (Samson Daft, 2009, p.24). Many organizations were expected to downsize their middle managers and slash management levels to become more efficient and facilitate decision-making process and to better adapt to the changing environment as well. The department heads are not favor of this empowerment campaign since they are used to managing the flow of information up and down the hierarchy. But todays middle managers should be responsible for the horizontal network for now most work is organized around teams. In addition, the trend in recent years has been towards wider span of control as a way to facilitate delegation (Samson Daft, 2009, p.37). Compared with tall structure, the flat structure has a wider span of control and is horizontally dispersed, which means it has less hierarchical levels and therefore the organization is able to better respond and adapt to change. Thats why the company initiates the empowerment campaign to let employees more involved in the decision-making process and assume more responsibility and enhance the collaboration. In such a structure, it is easier to build the self-directed teams since more authority and responsibility can be delegated to lower managers and employees. However, the department heads are likely to feel anxious and even threatened by new empowerment campaign. According to Samson Daft (2009, p.373), the attempt by the top management of the empowerment usually gets the deadlock because middle managers are unable to delegate. The possible reasons can be listed as following: They are accustomed to make familiar decisions; they feel they may lose personal status by delegating tasks; they believe they can do better job themselves and they are resistant to change because the performance of each department ultimately rests with them. For Barbara Russell, she needs to consult with each department head before the meeting so as to avoid the problems. There are a number of ways that Barbara could use to resolve the problems. The leading point is that the team must identify the problems first and give their suggestions. Therefore communication plays a significant part. She should talk with department heads to be aware of what issues they want to address and how they address them. After they get the information, they can provide their support in helping them to resolve the problems. For example, the team can come up with a reward plan to encourage each department to solve their own issues and allocate some funds to assist them. The members in manufacturing team cooperate with each other very well, but the final report they presented failed to meet the expectations of the department heads. However, Barbara Russell could have avoided the problems if the top management considered building a cross-functional team at the very beginning rather than just rely on her own manufacturing team. According to Graff et al (N, D), the diverse teams can be more innovative and can develop more precise strategies and have advantages over functional homogenous teams in introducing organizational changes. According to Parker (2003), the competitive advantages of setting up a cross-functional team can be listed as following ¼Ã… ¡they may accelerate the process of problem solving; solve complex problems; more closely to connect with customers and meet their needs; they can produce more innovative ideas; members are more able to share information and facilitate the cooperation among departments. But on the other hand, we cannot neglect the barriers in building such a team since it will increase conflict and competition within the organization with diverse team members. Therefore, the trust and open communication seems significant in a cross-functional team. Question 3: If you were Barbara Russell, what would you do now? Why? If I am Barbara Russell, I will improve own leading skills and make some changes based on six elements mentioned in Figure 1. Figure 1: The web of interacting elements in a learning organization Leadership Participative Strategy Team-based Structure Open Information Strong, adaptive culture Empowered employees Learning Organization Leadership(p534) In a learning organization, as a leader of team, Barbara should focus on using personal power and empowerment to manage the team, and try to be a democratic leader to influences and motive the employees. She should learn to share and explain the company vision, facilitate teamwork, initiate change and expand the capacity of people to shape the future. As a middle level manager, she should pay more attention to try to make the team member to understand the company objectives and goals, and be a bridge of communication between employee and top management. In a learning organization, Barbara also should be a transformational leader, who can create significant change in both followers and the organization (Samson Craft, cited in bass, 1995; Devanna Tichy, 1986; EastmanPawar, 1997). Leaders in a learning organization have three distinct roles: 1) Create a shared vision 2) Design the structure 3) practice servant leadership (Samson Craft, 2009). Barbara should work to fulfill employees n eeds and goals as well as to achieve the organizations larger mission. Communication In this case, the department heads complained that changes would destroy the carefully crafted job categories, and $500 refunds would create unethical behaviors, and industrial spy because of bad communication between top management and departments. Here, the communication means two-way communication including horizontal and vertical, exchange information between departments or team. Barbara should practice more active listening skills to interpret and feedback the information and give some suggestions or recommendations to help other departments to figure out the problems. Team work Self-directed teams are the fundamental unit in a learning organization (Samson Craft, 2009). Barbara has to her roll from a traditional manager to a coordinator or consultant to control with team members in stead of control over them. Meanwhile, Barbara should understand that the jobs and objectives are based on team-based structure instead of individual input and effort. Barbara should work with other departments and subordinates as a team. Empowerment Traditionally, managers take all responsibility for the whole departments. Now in a learning organization, all employees are authorized to participate the decision making while the leadership is changing to be transformational. Barbara should change her roll to adapt the changing situation and give all team members the power, freedom to make decision and perform effectively. Also Barbara should use more personnel power and empowerment to motivate employees. Participative strategy Learning organizations have permeable boundaries and often are linked with other organizations, give each organization greater access to information about new strategic needs and directions (Samson Craft, cited in McCune, 1997). Basically, participative strategy means organization sets up the link of the whole supplier chain to share the information internally and externally. With the globalization of business, information becomes more and more important. To some extent, successful companies depend on the most updated information like lasted technology. Barbara should share the information timely and participate the whole link to get the most updated information to achieve the company goals. Culture In this case, one of important purposes of hiring new CEO is to rebuild the company culture. Top management realized the previous culture focused on hierarchy and centralization, which did not adapt the change of environment and became an obstacle to develop the company. As a leader of manufacturing, Barbara should learn and help to build the strong, adaptive culture within the manufactory, and influence other departments as well. In conclusion, Barbara should change the leadership style into democratic and transformational leader, and self-improvement of leading skills in order to adapt the learning organization culture. She has to change her roll in new culture as well, and try to be a consultant, servant and helper within the team, and improve the skills of communication to share the information in time internally and externally. Finally, the company can be successful to transfer from the traditional organization to the learning one. Conclusion Overall, learning organization is very important for todays companies. In learning organizations, all the people are committed to a vision, learn and share information. With that, the whole company will be more efficient and effective. In Electra-Quik, the paper also provide solutions for top management and Barbara to solve the problem when they conducting the changes and empowerment process.

Enterprise Application Integration and Business Intelligence

Enterprise Application Integration and Business Intelligence Table of Contents (Jump to) Abstract Enterprise Application Integration Enterprise Application Integration requirements EAI integration Architecture EAI using XML interface Case study on Business Intelligence Steps converting file onto open source XML EAI moving forward Advantages and disadvantages of Enterprise Application Integration Conclusion References List of Figures Need for Enterprise Application Integration Abstract Business Intelligence helps in strategic alignment of businesses. By performing visualization and applying several Business Intelligence tools; company can understand in better way how the people, processes, income and technology can be used together at an Enterprise level. Enterprise Application Integration is an informal process which has been carried out with integration of various applications. With this research paper we can clearly understand EAI approach to integration, different level of interfaces and EAI with XML, also we can describe the advantages of Enterprise Application Integration at enterprise level. We will also study the case study on how different file formats gets converting with the help of Open source XML tool. Key Words: Enterprise Application Integration, Open Source XML, Metadata, Online Analytical Processing Engine (OLAP), Interface. Enterprise Application Integration Enterprise Application Integration is the combination of informal processes were all applications are integrated together to share information and processes freely. EAI helps in rethinking of technology which helps in making decisions in shorter duration with less cost. In today’s world vast majority of firms are depending on newer applications and hence integration of new applications at an enterprise level not only saves millions of dollars for different corporations who share application information inside the organization or with other multinational firm. Figure below gives the clear idea how the applications are integrated and the need EAI. (Linthicum, 1999) Need of Enterprise Application Integration Enterprise Application Integration requirements Business Process Integration: Most important thing for any organization is to check the process at which the integration and exchange of information takes place. Business Process Integration involves the management process, modeling and work flow. This helps in reducing the cost and satisfies the customers’ needs. Application Integration: Real time integration needs to be done by bringing data form one application to different application. In order to integrate successfully, backend application needs to be supported by Customer Relationship (CRM) Model and Business to Business integration model. CRM with backend application will help in building good systems for different businesses. Data Integration: Data needs to be integrated for successful Business Process and Application processes. Metadata must be constructed, location for that data needs to identify and recorded. By this way data can be shared with various database systems, available in XML, COBRA, EDI, COM+DCOM. Platform Integration: Platform Integration provides the tool that helps in communicating the systems optimally and securely. And data can be transferred to different applications. All these are needed requirements for Enterprise Application Integration (EAI) for eliminating different errors in integration. ( Fenner, n.d.) EAI Integration Architecture EAI consist of two types of Architectures, Direct point to point and Middleware based. Point to point architecture: If there are less systems to integrate this type of architecture is most valuable, easy to understand and helps newer websites to integrate with current sales order system. The disadvantage with this approach is that it will not provide integration with multiple systems. Also the coupling, dependencies and multiple integration points are its drawbacks. And hence we need to provide intermediate level for this integration points. Middleware architecture: A better way to integrate the organizations is to mediate with different applications. Generic interfaces can be provided and passed to different applications and each interface defines the process. With the help of middleware architecture routing, separating, aggregating is done on data; in this way applications can be modified, added or removed. ( Fenner, n.d.) EAI and different level of Interface We can understand EAI at an application level interface, data level interface and user level interface. Application level interface: This type of interface is most common interfaces which gives developers customized interconnection at various level of interface. With the help of Application Interface the developers can access to business processes and perform encapsulation of data without entering the database. Other advantage at Application Interface is to provide the mechanism which helps in sharing of data. Application level interface uses application programming which is used to connect servers, databases and middleware layers. Let us consider two systems one is the older system which is COBOL and other is the latest application interface system EAI, in order to have successful communication we use programming languages like C,C++ and java. To get the information of customer or to have product quantity we can write GetCustomerInformation (â€Å"cust_no†) Quantityavalilable (â€Å"product_no†) Data Level Interface: It involves the process of business flow directly with public interface with different applications. This level of interface is very much important as it customers data stored at various databases of an organizations. Several data centric flow tools are emerging in the market for e business, customer relationship management and business intelligence. Let us consider Data level EAI by taking an example were the needs to be moved from Oracle database to Informix, here a developer needs to understand metadata for each database. After this the second step is to find duration and frequency at which the transformed. There are various tools such as message brokers, database replication software, custom build utilities, etc. User Level Interface: This is widely used interface level with a mechanism for accessing logic and data. It has a mechanism of screen scraping in which the information present on the screen is accessed through programming language. It also uses middle ware drivers for processing and data transmission. (Linthicum, 1999). EAI using XML Interface In order to access the database using XML interface organizations needs to purchase custom â€Å"connector† application that helps in converting different formats in to XML form. XML messaging is used between an application and a portal server which helps in retrieving the native data through a portal. XML has various features like BizzTalk routing details, portal instructions that help in messaging, sending and receiving to applications. All depends on XML schema which is like a pattern, having information regarding message. It also uses to update, delete or modify the documents as well as update the metadata for specific documents. The sample below gives the XML file which provides one way and bi directional channel between portal and external source. (Hameed, 2004). BizTalk Routing Details filetype=txt mode=1> 12300 Steve Steve 7432 Silver Columbia 21045 2345678 4320659 01/06/1999 window.NREUM||(NREUM={});{"beacon":"","licenseKey":"de6e6cfad9","applicationID":"221047987","transactionName":"bl0HMhMFDEYCWhJeWlcXMBQISwdGEFgfRBpYShEPAggHGxNRFg==","queueTime":0,"applicationTime":1,"atts":"QhoERFsfH0g=","errorBeacon":"","agent":""} Case Study on Business Intelligence In this case study we can see how Winwise a leading software designer company wants to integrate reporting tool, with Microsoft office software to satisfy customer’s demand. tool is providing cascading style sheets to change the application appearance; multiple reports can be created with drill down capability, data filtering, KPI and much more. Users with this tool are more flexible with applying filters, format graphs and tables and integrate them onto graphic charts and exports report with the help of Microsoft ASP.NET file format. The only disadvantage with is that users cannot export data to Microsoft excel sheets. As a result of which converting and deployment of report on binary file format is a big problem. Open source XML helps Business Intelligence with binary file formats that are helpful for exporting billions of documents and helps in exporting reports to Microsoft excel sheets. Winsight is a tool by which all queries are addressed to SQL server, online analytical processing (OLAP) engine in XML for analysis and return XML flow carried which was carried before. This flow can be displayed with the help of XML schema that converts file in to Open XML. By this way Winsight can sort out customer’s requests and convert any file into Open XML with which reports can be exported onto Microsoft excel sheets. And hence data integration is done at an Enterprise level. (Microsoft, 2007). Steps to Convert File into Open Source XML Select the package that is needed to be converted to Open source XML. Next thing is to generate XML schema. Using File name field set the desired output file. Using encoding field encode the desired XML. Generate the schema by clicking on generate button. Generated schema will be seen in progress edit box.( Web report, 2013). EAI moving Forward It is always better to know the present state and future state of Enterprise Application Integration; we need to think different approaches with respect to different technology. Message brokers, Open source XML are various tools which help in successful integration of Application to Application and Data base to database. Enterprise Data Interchange and XML are the sound solutions for integration, but organizations now days are moving for message brokers which are most cheaper and flexible approach. Security, Performance and administration are top aspects for company. (Lincthium,1999) Advantages and Disadvantages of Enterprise Application Integration With the help of message broking; applications can communicate asynchronously, messages can be send with less response time and less repetitive configuration. This disadvantage with EAI is that it uses central engine and broker can fail the whole network. All the applications run concurrently so messages between all applicants should pass through central engine. Message broker technique with its central engine also not suitable for larger geographic locations. Finally integration will be big problem with different vendors, internal systems, etc. Conclusion Enterprise Application Integration is successful tool in integrating different applications for many companies in IT industry. We have studied integration at data level, application level, and business level at different platforms. Also we have studied point to point architecture and Middleware architecture. We have seen Enterprise Application at different level of interface. Implementing Application Integration provides flexibility in interfacing different file formats with the open source XML tool, also we have seen the case study of Winwise organization, how they have interface tool with Microsoft excel and successfully imported the reports. In conclusion we can say Enterprise Application Interface has advantages and disadvantages in parallel. References Linthicum, D.S. (November 5, 1999). A textbook on ENTERPRISE APPLICATION   INTEGRATION: Addison Wesley Ballard. C, Hamid. A, Frankus. R (August, 2006). A textbook on Improving Business   performance Insight: With Business Intelligence and Business Process Management:  IBM:Red Books. Microsoft. (August 30, 2007). Solution Provider Uses Open XML to Create Scalable Business   Intelligence Tools. Retrieved on January 24, 2013 from 2007Suites/Winsight/Solution- Provider-Uses-Open-XML-to-Create-Scalable-Business-Intelligence-Tools/4000000485 Fenner. J ( n.d.) Enterprise Application Integration Techniques retrieved on January 25, 2013  from Hameed. S ( March 26, 2004). Enterprise Application Integration (EAI) using XML: Codeguru,  retrieved on January 26, 2013 from Web Report ( January 14, 2013).XML schema generation retrieved on January 26, 2013 from

Saturday, July 20, 2019

The Morality of Euthanasia Essay -- mercy killing essay

People have the right to medical care, but pain and suffering for a person has to be one of the toughest things in life to deal with. In the health care world, few topics create a debate as heated as euthanasia. Euthanasia comes from the Greek word meaning good death. Euthanasia is the practice of ending the life of a person either by lethal injection or the suspension of medical treatment. Most religious beliefs say that God is the only one that has the right to decide the termination of any life. Euthanasia should be a person’s right of choice legally and ethically. People are faced with choices on a daily basis throughout their lives. Having the choice of euthanasia allows a quick, humane, and painless way to end pain and suffering. Even though a religious belief in God to end life and a person’s right to receive treatment, euthanasia should be a person’s choice because it is quick, humane, painless, and ends pain and suffering. Within the past twenty years th ere are presently countries or states that allow euthanasia as a means to end pain and suffering as a person’s right of choice. The newest state to add to the chart below is Montana in 2010. Religious beliefs make a persuasive argument against euthanasia. Religious beliefs are against euthanasia for God’s will to make the decision for a person’s final hour, yet a person should not suffer. According to most religions a person is not allowed to commit suicide and a person is not allowed to kill another. A person choosing euthanasia to end their pain and suffering would be a form of suicide. â€Å"Euthanasia is the logical form course of action for anyone who is not living a life of faith, hope, and love- that is, for the vast majority of the population on this planet. The on... to help debunk ‘lies’. The Christian Century, 126(19), p18. Retrieved February 5, 2010, from Thompson Gale database. Collier, R. (2009, October 13). Euthanasia debate reignited. CMAJ: Canadian Medical Association Journal, 181.3, 462-463. Retrieved February 5, 2010, from Thompson Gale database. "Euthanasia." The Columbia Encyclopedia, Sixth Edition. 2008. Retrieved February 05, 2010 From Walker, D. (2009, October). Regarding the pain of others. First Things: A Monthly Journal of Religion and Public Life, 196, 2-3. Retrieved February 5, 2010, from Thompson Gale database. Williams, G. (2009, October). Assisted suicide and euthanasia: A natural law ethics approach. King’s Law Journal, 20.3, 553-556. Retrieved February 5, 2010, from Thompson Gale database.

Friday, July 19, 2019

Recall Bias in Research Design Essay -- Research Methodology

It is most likely every major text on epidemiology involved in retrospective research is influenced by recall bias. Scientists have identified recall bias to occur when accuracy of recall regarding prior exposure is different for cases versus control (RAPHAEL, 1987). The possibility for recall bias exists whenever historical self-report information is elicited from respondents (RAPHAEL, 1987). Therefore, the potential for the occurrence is likely to be greatest in case-control studies or cross-sectional studies with retrospective elements, as well as some cohort prospective and control randomized trial designs (Hassan, 2006). Since recall bias is an undesired element, intended to potentially distort the study, the initial design of research study needs to implement a proper strategy. In construction of the design, an abstract, methods and conclusion alone do not restrict recall bias. To limit the need for recall itself it would be more desirable to depend on scientific data, as is the most obvious choice. However, research does not provide us with this luxury. Thus, one method to restrict or rule out recall bias is the use of actual exposure status verified through unbiased records (RAPHAEL, 1987). Although this method is most limited as it depends on the unbiased records made available in studies. The initial formatting of questionnaires is another consideration to insure research accuracy and validity scale. A popular form is the Minnesota Multiphasic Personality Inventory used in studies eliciting self-report responses (RAPHAEL, 1987). The MMPI has demonstrated successful outcomes and limited recall bias with an analytical approach to cross sectional studies. As assertive measurements to evaluate recall bias are in place, ... ...his evaluated? The valuable status collected during the initial emergency room visit presents the most usable information to this study, making this study reportable. Alcohol and drug use remain globally problematic and therefore epidemiological scientists continue to report findings of research in hopes of communicating its findings and finally the overall focus of making a change for the better. . References; BORGES, g. L.-M. (2005). A CASE-CONTROL STUDY OF ALCOHOL AND SUBSTANCE USE DISORDERS AS RISK FACTORS FOR NON-FATAL INJURY. Oxford Journals , 257-262. Hassan, E. (2006). Recall Bias can be a Threat to Retrospective and Prospective Research Designs . . The Internet Journal of Epidemiologyâ„ ¢ ISSN: 1540-2614 . RAPHAEL, K. (1987). Recall Bias: A Proposal for Assessment and Control. International Journal of Epidemiology , 167-171.

Thursday, July 18, 2019

Multiple Personality Disorder :: essays research papers

The day I learned my Grandma had Multiple Personality Disorder was a tough day. But the day my Grandma finally talked to me about it was a better day. Leading up to this day was long and tough. First, I had to figure out what it was, and that took much time. I also had to figure out how terrific my Grandma is as a person and a friend. So I decided to dig deep and start my journey.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  The next day I went to the library and began reading about the disorder my Grandma had. I think I was about ten so it was hard for me to understand what I was reading. So I asked the librarian for help. She began explaining to me what Multiple Personality Disorder was. It was tough to think that my Grandma, the strongest person I know, was suffering from such a terrible disorder. I went home and began thinking; I might have this disorder. I asked my dad and he replied, â€Å"I would not worry about it.†   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  It took me a long time to fall asleep that night. But before I fell asleep I decided to talk to my Grandma about it. The next day I went over to her house and asked her about it. Immediately she changed the subject asking, how my day was going and so on. She offered me juice and cookies. After I was done, I went home wondering why she wouldn’t tell me. After that day I just forgot about the whole thing.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  A few months later my dad received a call saying that my Grandma was in the hospital. She had been forgetting to take her medicine and she had attacked my Grandpa. She did not hurt him though. I never thought that, it would ever happen. We went to visit her a couple weeks later. She was so embarrassed that she was in the hospital for that. Finally, after about a month, she came home happier than ever.

Restorative Justice and Restitution Essay

invigorating Justice and damagesIntroduction honourables and values be considered to be the same to studyity of the slew in the cabaret. Values or ethics, merely is considered to be the standards that are set in spite of appearance a hunting lodge and portrays how the views of an opposite(prenominal) commonwealth can be considered to be amend or wrong, either at the workplace, in the social circles or scour nationally (Van Ness, & Strong, 2013). Morals on the other hired man are considered to be independent to both mortal since they originate from matters of belief, choices and faith. Morals lot with the making of either right or wrong, fair or unfair decisions, unprejudiced or dishonest choices that ca-ca a direct squeeze on the religion or belief of an individual (Zehr, 2002). The theories of faith that play a role in this case allow in the theory of utilitariansm, whereby it is considered to be righteously good for the majority (Zehr, Mika, & Umbreit, 1 997). The other theory is the theory of moral courage, which is considered to be to be the main pillar of ethics. Moral courage requires that one makes steadfast allegiance to principles that are honorable and fundamental scorn facing frees such as potential risks, shame, loss of reputation, isolation, emotional anxiety, retaliation and even loss of employment (Umbreit, 1989). Tough and morally right decisions have to be make despite the consequences. The concept of revitalising evaluator and restitution is an approach that is mainly centre on the various needs that victims of aversion and the offenders have as well as the community within which passel stretch forth in (Zehr, 2002). The aim and purpose of keynote respectableice and restitution is not just to fill the principles of the legal bring or punishment to the offender but to satisfy the needs of the offenders as well as that of the victims (Van Ness, & Strong, 2013). The revitalising arbiter and restitution is base on the theory of arbitrator. This theory patently considers wrongdoing and offensive activity as an villainy that is committed against a community and an individual and not the evoke (Zehr, 2002). The legal process, as much as its purpose is to work arbitrator where it is due, does not aim at increasing animosity and hatred in the society and hence the reason for soda pop justice and restitution. It is important for people to spirited in harmony and get on (Zehr, Mika, & Umbreit, 1997). The process that is touch on in soda justice does not aim at benefiting the offender but to bring people together, the victims as well as the offenders and set about peace and harmony in the society. anyone in the society should be ready to pro abundant a process that encourages harmony and nit set up hatred and animosity hence quinine water justice and restitution plays a major role in building a better society for the future (Umbreit, 1989). The ethical issues that are r elated to the concept of restorative justice and restitution include the issue of for given upess between the people that have been affected by the actions of the offender (Zehr, 2002). other ethical issue that is involved with visualise to restorative justice and restitution is that a crime is not committed against the state but rather against the victims and the society (Van Ness, & Strong, 2013). The needs in addition to the issues that the victims have as well as the offenders need to be considered to promote harmony in the society. The other ethical issue to be considered downstairs restorative justice is whether offenders should be given a second chance in the society and allowed to make things right with the victims of their offenses (Umbreit, 1989). Restorative justice too has its implications in the long run. The implications of restorative justice and restitution include increased accountability in the society restoration and improvement of relationships in the society hence reduce chances of future offenses in terms of retaliations and penalize (Zehr, 2002). Furthermore, restorative justice has the implication of restoring trust and admirering in the growth of long term relationships in the community and between the people involved in the whole process (Umbreit, 1989). long safety and building of confidence is also another implication of restorative justice that forget be achieved. The approach that entrust be suitable in reach the decision on whether to meet the coned massacre would be through with(predicate) counselling sessions for the family phalluss and through seeking of information from people or families that have had an experience with restorative justice (Van Ness, & Strong, 2013). The needs and concerns of each family member give need to be addressed and mold out their views about the see and what they would motivation done differently. Counselling sessions for the family members will help build their confidence and gradu ally adoption of the loss of the loved one (Zehr, 2002). subsequently the counselling sessions, regular shocks should be conducted with the family members to con be given on whether to allow for the concussion or to refuse the meeting. The steps to undertake in approaching the decision making process will involve calling for a family meeting whereby all members should be present. Every family member is to be given a chance to air their views and their opinions based on the theory of moral courage and virtues (Umbreit, 1989). after(prenominal) the family meeting, it would be important to contact the member of the Victims Group and discuss the conditions under which the meeting would be held if it will take place and establish the nett motive why the convict wants the meeting (Zehr, Mika, & Umbreit, 1997). After that, have another family meeting and analyze the findings based on moral values and in the spirit of restorative justice (Zehr, 2002). This will lead to a decision of meeting the convict since the benefits of the meeting outweigh lack of the meeting. The possible questions would alone be two main questions and that includesWhat scarce led the convict to commit the crime and did the victim deserve to die in such a manner?What would the convict have done if his situation was transposed? Restorative justice and restitution is serious in the society and helps in avoiding proceed criminality within a society. However, it should not be over exercised since criminals may tend to take advantage of the same to happen committing heinous crimes. The full force of the police force should also play a major role in curbing crimes in the society.ReferencesUmbreit, M. S. (1989). Crime victims seeking fairness, not revenge Toward restorative justice. Fed. Probation, 53, 52.Umbreit, M. S., Coates, R. B., & Kalanj, B. (1994). Victim meets offender The impact of restorative justice and mediation (pp. 53-64). Monsey, NY sad Justice Press.Van Ness, D. W., & S trong, K. H. (2013). Restoring justice An entering to restorative justice. Newnes.Zehr, H. (2002). The little book of restorative justice. Intercourse, PA Good books.Zehr, H., Mika, H., & Umbreit, M. (1997). Restorative justice The concept. Corrections Today, 59, 68-71.Source document

Wednesday, July 17, 2019

Family theories Essay

In this answer, I am going to discuss near the connubial relationship in modern industrial societies. This means I will assess the claim that conjugal relationships atomic number 18 based on compargon in modern industrial societies. I plan to structure my answer from ho holdkeeping and childc ar, exponent and money universeage field of take in forcet. The hours studyed between save and wife become much than than make up by the maturationd participation by women in the labour market countenance conduct to more than matesity in modern family life.This cipher is full(prenominal)ly back up by m both sociologists c atomic number 18 recent and Willmott who pop the question that the family is bonny more symmetrical and on that pointfore, is in feature become more egalitarian via a march of progress. They intimate that the family is gra sopranoly improving in cost of comp are as there has been a trend away from segregated conjugal roles and more of a shift t owards mutual ones.This they argue is due(p) to major amicable changes in that women are more monetaryly dependant with employment opportunities and so there is less(prenominal) of a need to depose on extended kin. This is further explained by Gershuny who suggests that because women put one over these employment opportunities, they are more likely to do less national work. This is shown by the item as it suggests that men were making more of an effort to do housekeeping when their wives were in full- quantify employment.By this change of position for women, it has meant that men are immediately more creditworthy for distinct household tasks therefore suggesting that equivalence indoors modern family life is evident and so this view seems correct. He emphasises the change in brotherly values as a reason for this which is alike die hard by Sullivans study (2000) which comprise an increase in equal division of labour. This supports youthfulness and Willmotts march of pr ogress view that conjugal roles are becoming more symmetrical so suggesting that the view of equal sexual activity roles and relationships is likely.Also, due to post-modern society, there are better living conditions compared to those during industrialisation and so this has drawn the men back into the family and frankincense has enabled them to function with housework and childcare as well as providing leisure time enhancing equation in relationships. The social changes start meant that comparison is becoming evident and so the controversy seems highly likely. However, the functionalist view of equality in modern family life has been highly criticised particularly by feminists like Ann Oakley (1974).Oakley rejects the demonstrate of progress view described by Young and Willmott as she suggests that this is simply exaggerate as we relieve live in a patricentric society where women do most of the housework. She suggested that the methodology used by Young and Willmott was hardly convincing as their questions lacked in detail. In Oakleys research, she open up only 15% of husbands had a high participation in housework, viewing how the statement is flawed as this understandably does non show evidence of equality in relationships and gender roles.Despite Gershuny suggesting that paid work entitled equality for women, Oakley suggested that this was only an filename extension of the housewife role. consequently, opposed Parsons claim of a natural role, feminists argue that this was soci in ally constructed to impose dependence on men which became worsened with industrialisation as it forced women to stick by within the home. Thus, it is clear that roast conjugal roles are not as joint as functionalists initially suggested they were as the social changes have only exacerbated the role of women suggesting this so called equality does not exist.Besides, other feminists like Elsa Ferri and Kate Smith (1996) suggest that the changed position of women in impairment of employment has only created a dual burden as they now have to undertake paid work as well as the free housewife role. Ferri and Smith suggest that unlike Gershuny, increased employment has had little jolt of the municipal labour as fewer than 4% of families had a father responsible for childcare. Therefore, women windlessness re main responsible for the children as well as their employment certificate of indebtedness clearly suggesting that modern family life is not as equal as it seems.The dual burden is in any case supported by Dunscombe and Marsdens theory of a three-bagger burden in that women are evaluate to do the double shift of housework and paid work but also the caring of the emotional welfare of the family. This clearly disputes Gershunys idea that women are more equal due to employment as the triple burden means that they in fact profits more responsibilities than losing them. Next, feminists block to inequalities of condition and control th at persist in modern family relationships as a list reason for dissimilitude again contend the statement.Allan suggests that ideological factors limit womens office in that they are disadvantaged from the start. This suggests that the family is always going to be founded on difference thus suggesting that the view of equality is limited. This is supported by Barrett and McIntosh who suggest that men gain far more from womens domestic work than they provide in financial support and that in turn this support often comes with strings attached. Also, men are commonly the ones who make endings about afford despite some families existence dual-earners.This is due to the fact that women are statistically still paid on average less than men enhancing antheral economic power. Therefore you can question the extent of equality in modern family life. Resources are also said to be shared unequally like Kempsons (1994) study among low-income families. This leaves women in poverty an d so restricts their power in the family which creates an atmosphere of discrimination in conjugal relationships. This is further explained by feminists Pahl and Vogler (1993) who focused on the effects of decision making within the family with ideas like pooling and leeway systems.They found a 31% increase in pooling where both partners have joint decision obligation as well as a decline in allowance systems. However, it was still evident that men usually made huge financial decisions. Edgell also supports this as the levels of decision making are not equal due to the male economic power that still exists. Therefore, women have less say in the decisions and thus it is obvious that the view that gender roles and relationships are becoming more equal is paradoxical as inequality in pay and decisions still exist.Similarly, this inequality of power has led to domestic violence which clearly shows how inequality is evident in that relationships are being gender dominated. Radical feminists like Millett and Firestone (1970) use domestic violence as a way to show that society is earlier founded on patriarchy and that men bottle up and exploit women. They suggest that the inequality of power within the family maintains mens power and so domestic violence is inevitable.Similarly, Dobash and Dobash suggest that marriage legitimises violence against women as it provides the male with power and the women with dependency, therefore evidently showing no signs of equality. Thus, this disputes the statement of gender roles and relationships becoming more equal with 1 in 4 women being assaulted in their biography according to Mirrlees-Black. Finally, childcare which is essentially about exercising responsibility for another psyche who is not fully responsible for herself and it entails seeing to all aspects of the childs security and well-being,her growth and development at any and all times. Mary Boulton ( 1983 ) argues the exaggeration in the extent of mens aff aire in childcare and she denies that questions about who does what give a true picture of conjugal roles. She also claims that although men might help with particular tasks, it is their wives who retain base responsibility for children. It is the wives who relegate non-domestic aspects of their lives to a low priority. This shows that there is still inequality in terms of childcare in conjugal relationships.In addition, Elsa Ferri and Kate Smith provide some observational support for Boulton by conducting a study based on National electric razor Development Survey. The survey found it was still very rare for fathers to take primary responsibility for childcare. In both the savour of mothers and the sample of fathers it was very rare in dual-earner families, no-earner families or families where only the mother worked, for the man to be normally responsible for the children or to look after them when they were ill.In about every category the man was the main carer in 4 percent o r less of families. This is also supported by the radical feminist idea of gender scripts in that there are anticipate norms in terms of gender roles and so patriarchal relationships are inevitable. Therefore, they suggest that equality without burdens will only be reached through same-sex relationships as this eliminates the gender script idea.Thus, this enhances the inequality of the family, and suggests that the view that conjugal relationships are becoming more equal is in fact incorrect as the inevitability of patriarchal relationships means that equality cannot be established. In conclusion, I have discussed and assessed the view that conjugal relationships are based on equality in modern industrial societies by evaluating three sections which are hours worked, power and childcare. With all of the statement, I believe that conjugal relationships in modern industrial societies are not based on equality.